Discounts and Promo Codes
Why pay full price when discounts are available! For large orders, automatic bulk discounts will appear in your cart on orders over $500. (Details below.) For orders less than $500, see our money saving promo codes below. Orders $20+ ship free in the USA via standard economy shipping.
Automatic Quantity Discounts
We offer automatic large quantity discounts from 10% to 20% as follows:
10% Discount At $500: If your merchandise order is at least $500, a 10% discount is automatically added to your cart.
15% Discount At $750: If your merchandise order is at least $750, a 15% discount is automatically added to your cart.
20% Discount At $1000: If your merchandise order is at least $1000, a 20% discount is automatically added to your cart.
Discounts cannot be combined and are only available on single orders fully paid at the time of shipping. Not valid on sale, bulk pricing, special purchase $6.99 ties, face masks, custom or donation items. Also excludes shipping and possible taxes. Orders must be shipped to a single destination. Discounts will appear automatically in your shopping cart when the applicable dollar amount has been reached.
Promo Codes
Getting married? There’s a promo code for that. New grad? We have a promo code for that, too! Is it your birthday? Promo code! Have nothing to celebrate and only buying ties because your significant other told you to? Yep, promo code! Save on your new ties with these awesome money saving promo codes. (See exclusions below.)
Wedding Discount
Congrats! Save 5% off $75+ on wedding ties with promo code: WEDDING
School Discount
Welcome back to school! Save 5% off $75+ on ties for school with promo code: SCHOOL
Job Interview Discount
Good luck! Save 5% off $75+ on job interview ties with promo code: INTERVIEW
Military Discount
Thank you for your service! Save 5% off $75+ on ties with promo code: MILITARY
Birthday Discount
Happy Birthday! Save 5% off $75+ on birthday ties with promo code: BIRTHDAY
New Job Discount
Congrats! Save 5% off $75+ on ties for work with promo code: NEWJOB
Teacher Discount
Welcome back to school! Save 5% off $75+ on ties for school with promo code: TEACHER
Senior Citizen Discount
Lucky you! Save 5% off $75+ on ties with promo code: SENIOR
New Dad Discount
Congrats, Dad! Save 5% off $75+ on ties with promo code: NEWDAD
Retirement Discount
Congrats! Save 5% off $75+ on retirement ties with promo code: RETIRED
Student Discount
Welcome back to school! Save 5% off $75+ on ties for school with promo code: STUDENT
New Grad Discount
Congrats! Save 5% off $75+ on graduation ties with promo code: NEWGRAD
Homecoming Discount
Have fun! Save 5% off $75+ on homecoming ties with promo code: HOMECOMING
Prom Discount
Have fun! Save 5% off $75+ on prom ties with promo code: PROM
I Just Want A Discount
Lucky you! Save 5% off $75+ on your ties with promo code: JUSTBECAUSE
*Offers subject to change without notice. One time use. One discount or promo code per order. No minimum purchase. Excludes shipping and taxes. We do not offer discounts on sale, $6.99 special purchase ties, face masks, custom products, bulk pricing, staff ties or donation items. New orders only.
Free Shipping at $20
Receive free economy shipping on orders $20 or more! Simply add $20 or more to your shopping cart and select "FREE Economy Shipping" at checkout.
Free shipping applies to individual orders shipped within the entire United States. Orders are delivered via our choice of standard UPS or US Post Office shipping and typically arrive in 5 to 14+ days (your time may vary). Orders over $250 will ship free via UPS Ground (estimated 1 to 5 days) throughout the entire United States. $20 free shipping threshold must be met before any applicable tax and after any eligible discounts or promo codes.
We are not a wholesaler and product prices are as shown on the website. However, we do offer large quantity discounts (available for orders $500+) that range from 10% to 20%. See more information on quantity discounts above. Free economy shipping also is available on orders over $20 within the United States.
We are about 99% in stock at all times and have enough inventory to fill almost any size order. If there is a delay in fulfilling your order, we will immediately let you know.