Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Men
Being an adult doesn’t mean his stocking should hang empty on Christmas. While trinkets and candy might not be his taste these days, there are still a lot of things that can be put in a man’s stocking—even on a budget. The key to a great adult Christmas stocking is practical, everyday items he’ll certainly use, but might not buy for himself. Let's keep it simple: Here’s a look at the 10 best stocking stuffer ideas for men.
1. Socks
Socks are by far the most common stocking stuffer for adults because, after all, who doesn’t wear socks? While replenishing his everyday socks is an option, get personal and stuff his stocking with socks he might not normally buy for himself. Novelty socks that match his interests or hobbies. Striped socks in his team colors. Or argyle socks that match his alma mater. Several pairs of socks will usually fit into a stocking.
2. Gift Cards
Buy him lunch and add a $10 gift card to his favorite fast food restaurant to his stocking. If he’s more of a bring his own lunch kind of guy, switch it up for a coffee or gas station gift card in a similar amount.
3. Toys and Games
Let's be honest, boys like toys no matter what age they are. Head to your local big box store and check out the ends of the toy aisles. You can usually find some small, less than $5 toys, like plastic building blocks. Check out the game section, too. Small (but fun) card games are often under $10.
4. Neckties
For the man who wears ties regularly, a necktie is the perfect stocking stuffer. (You can’t have too many ties, afterall.) You want him to wear the tie, so keep his style in mind. This includes the pattern selected as well as the width of the tie. (Does he prefer slimmer or regular sized ties?) Take advantage of the colder, winter temps and pick out a tie that fits the season, like a thicker wool-blend necktie.
5. Snacks
He might not have much of a sweet tooth anymore, but there are plenty of guy-approved snacks that will fill a stocking. Look for snacks that might not be a regular item in his house, like beef jerky or wasabi peas. Unique snacks can be found at more specialty grocery stores or even discount home goods stores.
6. Grill Accessories
Get him ready for grilling season with a new grill brush or cooking tools, many of which conveniently fit just right in a stocking (handles down). If he’s all set on grilling accessories, find a new spice or rub for him to try. There are certainly plenty of options out there.
7. Underwear
Back in the day, his parents always threatened to get him underwear for Christmas. But as an adult, underwear is no longer a threat and he can always use a fresh new pair or two. Consider stuffing his stocking with necktie or bow tie boxer briefs. Fold and roll the briefs to make them smaller and fit a work week worth of undies in his stocking.
8. Sauces and Condiments
Here’s one thing we’ve learned over the years: There can never be too many condiments in a man’s fridge. Find him something new to try, like spicy honey, a bag of mayo, hotter than heck hot sauce or a unique mustard blend. These items are perfectly sized for his stocking, but make sure nothing needs to be kept refrigerated before opening.
9. Books
We should all read more, so encourage him with a new book. It can be difficult to give an adult a book as a gift, but the best seller’s list is always a good place to start. Look for a book in his favorite genre. If the current best seller’s list isn’t cutting it, search for the top books of the past year and surely you’ll find something he hasn’t read. By the way, stockings are only so wide so choose a paperback when possible.
10. New Year’s Eve Bow Tie
Heading out for NYE? Get him ready (or drop a hint) by adding a New Year’s worthy bow tie to his stocking. A black solid bow tie is a classic choice, or upgrade his look with a velvet bow tie or one with metallic details.
In Conclusion
From socks to snacks, there are a lot of ways to fill a man's stocking at Christmas. Don't overthink it and add items that are practical, will be used and be appreciated. Luckily for those filling his adult stocking, this is easy to do on a budget.
About TieMart
TieMart is an online retailer of men's ties, socks and other accessories. Their wide collection means there's something to suit anyone's taste, from business patterns to skinny ties to novelty prints and striped ties (and socks) in team colors. It's easy to find a gift that suits his style at TieMart.
We are a family-run tie company based in Illinois. We've been in the biz since the late 90s, so by now we know a thing or two about men's fashion and accessories. Tiepedia is our lil spot on the web to share that knowledge with you.